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Redis Cache Module

This module contains a Redis Cache, located in the redis key.

The following snippets lists all available configuration options alongside their default values:

(import 'cloudflight-libsonnet/databases/redis.libsonnet')
+ {
  _config+: {
        redis: {
          name: 'redis',
          image: '',
          exporterImage: '',
          password: error 'cfg.password must either be defined or set to null',
          storage: null,
          resources:: {
            limits: {
              cpu: '100m',
              memory: '1Gi',
            requests: {
              cpu: '50m',
              memory: '1Gi',


Starting multiple instances

Another way to use this module, is by calling the newRedis function. This allows you to create multiple instances without polluting the global scope.

  _config+:: {
    cacheOne: {
      name: 'cacheOne',
      password: 'foo',
    cacheTwo: {
      name: 'cacheTwo',
      password: 'bar',
  cacheOne: (import 'cloudflight-libsonnet/databases/redis.libsonnet').newRedis($._config.cacheOne),
  cacheTwo: (import 'cloudflight-libsonnet/databases/redis.libsonnet').newRedis($._config.cacheTwo),

High Availability

If required, you can instead import the redis-sentinel module. This creates an additional sentinel deployment which fails over the master and replicas:

(import 'cloudflight-libsonnet/databases/redis-sentinel.libsonnet')
+ {
  _config+: {
        redis: {
          name: 'redis',
          replicas: 3,
          sentinels: 3,
          image: '',
          exporterImage: '',
          password: error 'cfg.password must either be defined or set to null',
          topologyKey: '',
          storage: null,
          resources:: {
            limits: {
              cpu: '100m',
              memory: '1Gi',
            requests: {
              cpu: '50m',
              memory: '1Gi',


Exposed values

When using redis-sentinel, you also have access to the following values. They are exposed, but not exported.

Name Contents
redis.sentinelNodes Array of sentinel host:port pairs

Last update: 2022-10-14